Astrologer, Sri Durga Devi upasakar, V.G.Krishnarau.
US President Barack Hussain Obama
was born at 7.24 pm on 4th August 1961. He was born in Honolulu in the American
state of Hawaii in the Rishaba (Taurus) rasi, Makara (Capricorn) lagna, Rohini
nakshatram. Guru (Jupiter) and Sani (Saturn) have come together in Makara lagna to confer on him
Vasundhara yogam. Ketu is in the Dhana-Kutumba sthanam (Family & Finance
place), Chandra (Moon) is in the Fifth house, Sukra (Venus) in the Sixth, while
the Surya-Bhudha (Sun&Mercury) combination, in the Seventh house, has
created the Bhudha adhityaya yogam. This is responsible for the president’s
excellent academic/educational record… Read More
President Obama’s Horoscope
President Obama’s Horoscope