Astrologer, Sri Durga Devi
upasakar, V.G.Krishnarau.
On 18th August 2013, Angaraka
or Sevvai (Mars) enters Cancer (Kataka). He will stay
in Cancer (Kataka) from 18th August to 5th October
2013 in a debilitated (weak) state. From here he aspects a powerful Sani (Saturn),
who is in Tula (Libra). The Tula Sani, therefore, aspects
the Tenth house Kataka. In other words, the ascendant and the
debilitated planets aspect (face) each other.

We earnestly pray to Lord
Muruga/Karthikeya/Subrahmanya to mitigate (lessen) the effects of Sevvai, Mars’
Our prediction came true
We had earlier written a column under the caption
Heavy rain expected this Adi (July 17th to
August 16th). We had forecast that there would be heavy rain
and floods in many parts of the world, including in Tamil Nadu. We had
predicted that the combination of Surya (Sun) and Sukra, Venus,
this Adi would unleash heavy rains which would solve the water problems
in several places. Exactly as we predicted, there has been heavy rain in many
places in the country, including Tamil Nadu. Dams have filled up and the
copious rain has solved the water problem in our state, as we had correctly pointed out.
For Astrology Consultation
Contact: Astrologer, Sri Durga Devi upasakar, V.G.Krishnarau. Phone
Number: 98411 64648, Chennai, Tamilnadu, India
For Astrology Consultation
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